O2 need someone to define their Data strategy urgently.
JSS were instructed to deliver a CDO with a big 4 background. One of our transform partners was Eddie Short – a big 4 analytics partner.
Eddie was parachuted in to rapidly design their Data & Analytics strategy. Upon this, they asked him to deliver it, Eddie ended up going permanent and over the next four years built a best in class data and analytics team.
Eddie needed to rapidly stand up a team. JSS delivered a number of senior interims responsible for supporting a large-scale data transformation. Roles include Head of Data Enablement, Head of Data Science, Head of Portfolio Management and multiple interim Data SME’s.
O2 were extremely impressed with Eddie’s strategy, build and leadership. Off the back of his work, O2 were able to deliver a significant number of new products and projects, resolve long term issues, and move towards their long term goals of the UK Data vision.
The challenge Fat Face is a recognised multichannel lifestyle retailer offering its own brand of good quality casual clothing, footwear, and accessories. It has an established footprint of stores across the UK and Internationally, as well as a strong e-commerce proposition. Once their Microsoft Data Lake strategy was defined, it became apparent that they would…